Payroll Services

Look after your most important asset with an efficient payroll system

Why we developed this service

Once your business starts growing, with more employees coming on board, it starts to become a real challenge for small businesses to manage payroll effectively.

It’s a repetitive task but one that needs a keen eye for detail and it can start to impact on your time unless you have the right systems in place.

And we all know that unpaid, late-paid, or inaccurately-paid employees get disgruntled.

Our payroll management system takes the burden away from you for managing this, allowing you to focus on aspects of the business that really deserve your attention.

Keeping your people paid and happy

Our comprehensive payroll management service (often used in conjunction with our general bookkeeping services) mean that your people get paid precisely what they earn – on time.

This keeps them happy and relieves you of the repetitive and time-consuming task.

Payroll services include:

  • Calculation of periodic wages

  • Filing payroll with the ATO via Single Touch Payroll (STP)

  • Super and entitlements

  • Paying of employee wages

  • Payment of superannuation

  • Finalisation of Annual Income

  • Statements for employees

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